Die '40004‘ Kampagne:
Wie schnell kann die STORM Community 40.004 Bäume pflanzen?

Verbinde dich mit STORM und wir verbinden dich mit der Umwelt - unser umweltfreundlicher Weg, zu trainieren und unseren Planeten zu unterstützen.

How to

1. Download die Active Giving App.
2. Erstelle ein Profil.
3. Klicke menu & dann team.
4. Füge den Code – STORMD – ein. Klicke activity.
5. Wähle STORM workout & pflanze 4 Bäume.
6. Wähle non-STORM workout & pflanze 2 Bäume.
7. Zu guter Letzt: Vergiss nicht, deine Aktivität zu teilen und uns zu markieren, damit wir es reposten können.

Drei Smartphone Screens zeigen den Verwendungsvorgang der Active Giving App auf.
Das große ringförmige STORM Logo in türkis und violett.
Die Baumkronen eines Waldes.

Be Active, Do Good

Die Klimakrise wird sich auf Millionen von Menschen und Lebewesen negativ auswirken. Viele von uns würden gerne zu einem gesünderen Planeten beitragen, wissen aber vielleicht nicht, wie sie das tun sollen. Active Giving hat eine digitale Fitnesslösung entwickelt, die es aktiven Menschen ermöglicht, mit ihrer Fitnessroutine einen Beitrag zu sozialen und ökologischen Projekten zu leisten. Werde ein #activegiver, indem du die Active Giving Fitness-App benutzt. STORM - um deine STORM-Workouts sowie alle anderen Workouts in gepflanzte Bäume umzuwandeln.

Our chosen project in conjunction with Active Giving.

veritree is a data-driven restorative platform that directly connects nature-based solutions, including reforestation, to businesses and customers who want to make a difference and lead the restorative economy. With on-the-ground monitoring and measurement, veritree improves transparency at each step of the reforestation process, and builds trust through data and tools that revitalize ecosystems, strengthen communities, and build climate solutions.

EarthLungs - Mangrove Restoration
Why: Coastal Kenya is one of the least developed regions of the country. These communities are dependent on the mangrove ecosystems for employment, livelihood, and nutrition. In recent decades, coastal areas in Southern Kenya have been urbanised at unprecedented rates. Mangrove forests were converted into other land use. Coupled with lack of effective governance, mangroves were overexploited and overharvested. The destruction of the mangrove forests also contributed to the loss of critical habitats for many organisms. Threatening the livelihoods of these impoverished communities, pushing them further into poverty.What: With your support, we are restoring the mangrove forests in Kenya. The goal of this project is to empower the impoverished coastal community to break the poverty cycle. In restoring the mangrove estuary, which is rich in biodiversity, this project will provide fishing grounds for local people. This helps to create additional income streams, including sustainable harvests from the mangrove forests. The restored forests will also help to stabilise coastlines. This will act as a vital line of defence to protect the land and the communities during tropical storms. Find key ressources here.
You can find here the link to a « sub-forest » for STORM Germany on the Veritree website.

Der Blick durch einen sonnendurchfluteten Wald.
